About Us
Continue to set the standard for our customers for room-temperature and post-cured adhesives, laminating, and infusion epoxies.
Meet the epoxy needs of advanced composite fabricators.
Provide epoxy systems with improved processing characteristics, excellent cured mechanical properties, and rapid order fulfillment at competitive prices.
Gougeon Brothers, Inc., the company that manufactures PRO-SET® Epoxy, is an employee-owned, family-run company in Bay City, Michigan. Brothers Meade, Jan and Joel Gougeon opened shop at this location in 1969, building iceboats and strong, light, fast sailboats with wood and their proprietary epoxy formula. Many of these are still in use today.
By 1971, they were selling their proprietary epoxy to other builders and provided a helping hand to whoever needed it. When curious sailors would approach the brothers and ask epoxy-related questions, Jan & Meade were always willing to give advice, show them a few tricks, and even leave a few tools and spare parts behind for them to use. By the mid-80s, they developed the precursor to PRO-SET® Epoxy. These products are now distributed worldwide. Much of the extensive epoxy research and development in the Gougeon test lab is driven by the needs of PRO-SET® customers. To this day, making the use of epoxy logical, understandable, safe, and sustainable for consumers, builders and engineers is how we do business. Our leadership in ensuring customer success with epoxies has, in turn, ensured Gougeon’s success across five decades and counting
Gougeon Brothers, Inc. is ISO 9001:2015 certified. Quality epoxy production has always been essential to our company; however, we pursued this certification to ensure the continued production of quality epoxy and underscore our commitment to improvement and operational excellence.
Wessex Resins and Adhesives has a long-established partnership with Gougeon Brothers, Inc. Having their own extensive heritage in developing and manufacturing high-quality epoxy products, today they manufacture and market PRO-SET® Epoxy throughout Europe, Africa and parts of Asia. Some of their notable customers include the Ministry of Defence, London Underground, Bombardier and BAE Systems.
You can view Wessex’s BSI ISO 9001:2015 Certificate here as well as their JOSCAR certification here.
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Photo Credit: Boston Boatworks